New Chair for Hexham Beekeepers

New Chair for Hexham Beekeepers

At our AGM on 9 January 2018, Judith Stewart was unanimously elected as the new Chair of Hexham Beekeepers’ Association.

Judith follows in the footsteps of Philip Latham who is standing down after five years in the role. Those members present were quick to support a vote of thanks to Philip for all his hard work over the last five years following the untimely death of Robert Furniss. Since then he has steered HBKA through a difficult period but one which has seen membership grow steadily to its current level of 170.

Judith is keen to encourage members to actively support their Association.  “I really feel that you get the most out of a society by being involved. That doesn’t necessarily mean being on the Committee – not everyone has the time or inclination for that. Anyone can get involved – even just offering a single hour – whether it is at the Association apiary, helping out at a show or helping at meetings or with IT. Whatever skills you have, you will get more out of your Association by sharing those skills.”

Neill Wylie will be assuming the role of Membership Secretary which Judith has ably managed for the last 14 years. Please help him in his new role by renewing your membership promptly.


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