HBKA Present

HBKA Present

Who Are We?

Hexham Beekeepers Association is an outstanding group of enthusiasts from wildly different walks of life. Our range of characters and experience means we bring many skills to the Association and there is never a dull moment.

Our current chairman is Martyn Farrer who has been keeping bees for many years south of Hexham.

Our members range from children (many of whom have been introduced to bees at school) through all the age groups to some octogenarians who have been keeping bees for over 60 years.

All in all, a load of good folk, both beginners and more experienced members, all of whom help out in many ways – some of them make great cakes too!

Membership of the Association has increased dramatically in recent years. We currently have about 180 members, despite a couple of disastrous summers which might have dented enthusiasm. This reflects the massive interest in honeybees today.

What do we do?

Monthly meetings in winter are held in the Village Hall at Wall to the north of Hexham. In summer, meetings are normally held at our apiary near Wylam or sometimes at the apiaries of our members.

Our activities aim to be stimulating and accessible to all, from the complete beginner to the experienced beekeeper.

Meetings: At our monthly meetings we address all aspects of beekeeping from general good husbandry to honey production and disease control to help us all have healthy, productive colonies. Guest speakers cover a range of topics from the latest research on the behaviour of bees, to building a hive.

The calibre of our speakers is always high and the content of their talks is informative and entertaining. No boring ‘droning on’ is allowed!

Teaching: Our apiary near Wylam is a great asset for teaching beekeeping skills. Throughout summer, experienced beekeepers hold beginners’ sessions for members, teaching as they check the hives and offering hands-on practice. Protective clothing is provided. Members are also encouraged to take the beekeeper’s Basic Assessment exam which gives sound knowledge for novices.

Social events: Our Christmas dinner and apiary visits provide the chance to compare notes and meet fellow beekeepers, or simply anyone with an interest in bees.

Hexham Beekeepers Association is a dynamic and ambitious association. We aim to encourage everyone to “bee aware” and to help new beekeepers as much as possible. Our experienced members have a wealth of knowledge and practical expertise which they are happy to share. New members are always welcome and we look forward to meeting you.

Read about HBKA Past.