Meetings and Events 2024

Meetings and Events 2024

Sunday 7th April 2024 – We held a Practical Frame Making session at 2:00pm in Wall Village Hall. The turn out was smaller than in previous years but we still managed to build a good stock of frames for use in the teaching apiary.

Tuesday 2nd April 2024 – Our third Open Meeting of the year was held at 7:30pm at Wall Village Hall. Once again, Sue and Ian Robinson provided their clear and invaluable guidance on Swarm Control. Twenty-four beekeepers attended the meeting. For those who were unable to attend, a copy of the BBKA advisory leaflet on Swarm Control is available here and the NBU guidance when you can’t find the queen is here.

Saturday 23 March 2024Skills Workshop #1Dorian Pritchard led an extremely useful practical session on Wing Morphology. Twelve beekeepers attended and working in pairs succeeded in analysing a small sample of 15 bees wings in order to quantify the extent of native characteristics.

Tuesday 19th March 2024A Theory for Beginners session was held in Wall Village Hall. The meeting was led by Sue Robinson with assistance from Wendy Gregory and Mike Higgins.

Tuesday 5th March 2024 – Our second Open Meeting of the year was held at Wall Village Hall, Hexham NE46 4DX. Ian Campbell provided an excellent update on the latest developments with the Asian Hornet and showed us how we can be better prepared for the inevitable invasion. Twenty-five members attended.

Tuesday 6th February 2024 – Our first Open Meeting of the year was held at Wall Village Hall, Hexham NE46 4DX. Over thirty members attended an ‘Ask the Panel’ session with a team of ‘home grown’ experts to answer members’ questions. The meeting concluded with the customary opportunity to chat to old friends and to meet new recruits.

Tuesday 9th January 2024 – The AGM was held at 7:30pm at Wall Village Hall, Hexham NE46 4DX. Twenty-six members attended the formal meeting which was followed by honey tasting and equipment sales. A set of Draft Minutes is available here.