Honey Extractor

Honey Extractor

The Association’s honey extractor is available for members to borrow and use.

After a motor burnout, the second in a few years, our association extractor has now been converted to a manual version. It is a 4 frame radial extractor and takes super frames, both Manley’s and Hoffman’s. It is only suitable for extracting liquid honey. It will not extract oil seed rape honey, which has already set and will need to be melted out. It is also unsuitable for heather honey which is thixotropic (jelly like) and needs to be pressed out. If you have any summer flower honey that is liquid in the comb then this is an ideal way to extract it. It is best if you have at least one full super of honey to extract as it is a bit of a chore to clean the extractor for only a few frames.

It costs £10 to hire plus a £10 deposit – refundable when it is returned in a clean condition. There is no set time limit for its use but a prompt return is appreciated in order to make it available for other members to use.

Please contact Sue Robinson at beginners@hexhambeekeepers.co.uk if you are interested.

A brief guide to extraction

Combs need to be uncapped and placed end on into the cradle. It is important to balance the frames in the cradle so that they are similar weights or at least 2 similar opposite pairs. Then you need to apply a fair bit of elbow grease to spin the frames and extract the honey. Make sure the honey gate is firmly closed before you start as a puddle of honey on the kitchen floor is no fun. Once you have spun out all your frames, filter the honey into a food grade bucket, leave to settle for 24 hours or more then bottle.

The extractor should be washed out thoroughly with lukewarm soapy water. Hot water should not be used as this may just melt any wax onto the surface of the extractor which will then need to be cleaned off with meths.