
Wing Morphometry Workshop

Wing Morphometry Workshop

Saturday 23 March 2024 – Wall Village Hall – Dorian Pritchard organised and led an excellent workshop on wing morphometry. Working in small groups we succeeded in preparing a sample of 15 wings for analysis and taking the necessary measurements to establish the extent to which the bees exhibited the characteristics of the Black Bee – apis mellifera mellifera.

New Chair for Hexham Beekeepers

New Chair for Hexham Beekeepers

At our AGM on 4th January 2022, Martyn Farrer was unanimously elected as the new Chair of Hexham Beekeepers’ Association. Martyn first kept bees on the occasion of his 14th birthday when, by complete coincidence, a local beekeeper came to his family home with a swarm for “the lad who wants the bees”. It was July and the start of some very happy beekeeping adventures in those far-off, pre-varroa times. Reading ‘Bees and Beekeeping – Theory and Practical’ by Frank…

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New Teaching Apiary Opens

New Teaching Apiary Opens

Sunday 1 May 2022 – The Grand Opening of the Association’s new Teaching Apiary took place at 2:00pm at Wylam. HBKA Chair Martyn Farrer welcomed the 32 members who attended. Apiary Manager Sue Robinson gave a comprehensive report of the relocation project and acknowledged everyone’s various contributions over the last 12 months to make it a success . HBKA Life Member Bill Hunter recalled previous Association events and personalities… …before cutting the ribbon and declaring the new apiary officially open….

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The New Apiary

The New Apiary

Over the last few months, we have been working hard getting the new apiary up and running.There are just a few finishing touches needed to be done but already the apiary is looking really good.On Saturday, a team of us took advantage of some dry, sunny weather and painted the new shed. We even had time to give the old shed a much-needed coat of paint too. Thanks to Stephen, Majbritt, Paul, Hazel and Wendy for their hard work. Jane…

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Beekeeping with COVID-19

Beekeeping with COVID-19

2020 will be remembered as the year of the corona-virus COVID-19 pandemic. While everyone struggles to adjust their daily life-styles to cope with the restrictions imposed by government to limit the spread of the disease, the National Bee Unit has produced some practical advice for beekeepers – a copy of which is available here.

New Chair for Hexham Beekeepers

New Chair for Hexham Beekeepers

At our AGM on 9 January 2018, Judith Stewart was unanimously elected as the new Chair of Hexham Beekeepers’ Association. Judith follows in the footsteps of Philip Latham who is standing down after five years in the role. Those members present were quick to support a vote of thanks to Philip for all his hard work over the last five years following the untimely death of Robert Furniss. Since then he has steered HBKA through a difficult period but one which has…

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Northern Beekeepers Convention Awards 2017

Northern Beekeepers Convention Awards 2017

Northern Beekeepers Convention recently honoured three beekeepers from the Hexham Association. Dr Dorian Pritchard was shortlisted for the award of ‘Diamond Beekeeper’ in recognition of his contribution to beekeeping over many years. Sue Robinson was awarded the ‘Beekeeping Star of the Future’ (Over 18) for her services in managing the Association apiary and co-ordinating and delivering training to beginners and novice beekeepers. Robyn Franklin was awarded the ‘Beekeeping Star of the Future’ (Under 18) for her keenness and enthusiasm and her determination to…

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