Meetings and Events 2023

Meetings and Events 2023

Tuesday 5th December 2023 – The annual Christmas Dinner and Quiz was held at the Beaumont Hotel, Hexham. Nineteen members and guests were present to enjoy an excellent meal and to be entertained by Ian Robinson’s annual test of current affairs and general knowledge. Ding Dong!

Tuesday 7th November 2023 – An Open Meeting was held at Wall Village Hall at which Thorsten Rettig recounted ‘My Bee Year‘ and his approach to beekeeping. More than 30 members attended and enjoyed a thoroughly entertaining presentation.

Sunday 1st October 2023 – The annual Rachel Lowther Memorial Lecture was held at Wall Village Hall. Chris Wren gave an excellent presentation on ‘Bee and Wildlife Photography in the North East‘ which was followed by afternoon tea provided by Wall WI. An audience of 30 enjoyed a throughly entertaining talk combined with a first-rate tea and a chance to catch up on the latest beekeeping gossip.

Sunday 10th September 2023 – An Open Apiary Meeting was held at the teaching apiary on the subject of Preparing Bees for Winter led by Sue Robinson.

Sunday 9th July 2023 – A Skills Workshop was held at the teaching apiary on Queen Marking led by Judith Stewart.

Saturday 3rd June – Sunday 4th June 2023 – A two day Skills Workshop was held on Queen Rearing led by Martyn Farrer.

Sunday 14th May 2023 – A Skills Workshop was held at the teaching apiary on the subject of Shook Swarm led by Judith Stewart.

Wednesday 26 April 2023 – A Theory for Beginners session was held in Wall Village Hall led by Sue & Ian Robinson.

Tuesday 4th April 2023 – An Open Meeting was held at 7:30pm in Wall Village Hall. Sue and Ian Robinson gave a presentation in four parts entitled Reproduction and Swarming which included some timely advice in anticipation of the spring build-up of bee colonies. Twenty-three members attended.

Sunday 2nd April 2023 – Our annual Beginners’ Frame Making Session was held at 2:00pm in Wall Village Hall. It was a great success with lots of brood and super frames made for the apiary. Thank you to everyone who came along to learn or to help – it was a fantastic effort and lovely to meet new members and see old friends.

Tuesday 7th March 2023 – A Members’ Night was held at 7:30pm at Wall Village Hall. Sue Robinson, Judith Stewart and Martyn Farrer presented our Training Plan for the forthcoming 2023 season. We also explored the benefits of various unusual pieces of bee-keeping equipment. Thirty members attended and further details are available here.

Tuesday 7th February 2023 – Our first Open Meeting of the year was held at 7:30pm at Wall Village Hall when Dorian Pritchard gave a presentation on the Redesdale Honey Bee Conservation Project. Thirty members enjoyed a facinating first-hand account of Dorian’s long-term efforts to preserve the Northumbrian native bee in this relatively isolated and inhospitable part of Northumberland. Further information on the project is available here. Dorian also provided a paper on Allogrooming which is available here.

Tuesday 10th January 2023 – The AGM was held at 7:30pm at Wall Village Hall, Hexham N46 4DX. The evening included honey tasting, equipment sales and a promotion of the Association library. The draft Minutes for the AGM are available here.