Beginners Sessions

Beginners Sessions

Beginners Sessions at the Apiary – 2025

Once again, we will be holding our popular Beginners’ Sessions in 2025. The year will start with a classroom based basic theory session on Sunday 2nd March for those who have already registered an interest. This will be followed by an introductory frame making session on 6th April. Both these sessions will be held at Wall Village Hall. Outdoor practical sessions will commence at the teaching apiary on 18th May. The planned dates for 2025 are set out below, all sessions taking place on Sunday afternoons starting at 2:00pm, for approximately two hours each session.

The sessions are open to any Hexham BKA members (both complete beginners and those with some previous experience) who would like to see a range of different beekeeping skills and ways to deal with what you may find in your own hive when you open it.

The things we will cover are briefly:
Bee & brood identification and health of the colony
Feeding – what to feed, how & when
Equipment – what you need and how to use it
Swarm control – recognising the symptoms and managing the process
Disease diagnosis and control – varroa and other common diseases

The sessions are run as a series of separate meetings with an informal style. We will put our beginners into groups of three with a demonstrator, who will be one of our more experienced beekeepers. These are practical sessions and you will get hands-on time in a hive. We have bee-suits in all sizes available for people to borrow. The only things you need are a pair of wellies, tight fitting marigold gloves, reading glasses (if you wear them) and a keen interest in learning about beekeeping. It’s a great opportunity for everyone to meet the other beginners and have a chat.

Beginners Sessions for 2025

Date       Type of meeting

02 Mar   Beginners Introductory Theory Session (Wall Village Hall)

06 Apr    Beginners Frame Making Session (Wall Village Hall)

18 May   Beginners Practical #1

01 Jun    Beginners Practical #2

22 Jun    Beginners Practical #3

29 Jun    Beginners Practical #4

06 Jul     Beginners Practical #5

27 Jul     Beginners Practical #6

10 Aug   Beginners Practical #7

17 Aug   Beginners Practical #8

Please note that the sessions are dependent on the weather and the availability of demonstrators and therefore can be subject to change – sometimes at short notice.

Beginners Frame Making Session

We will be holding hold an introductory frame making session on 6th April 2025.

The aim is to learn how to make frames and how to prepare your kit for the coming season. This is a practical session at which you are required to bring a small hammer, pliers, strong bladed knife and wooden chopping board (to protect the Village Hall tables). Don’t worry if you don’t have all these things just bring what you can, we provide a few spares.

All beginners and new members are welcome (you don’t need to have bees) plus anyone who feels they need a bit of practice at frame making. Experienced frame makers are welcome to help, instruct and make frames – we need lots for the coming season. Tea, coffee, biscuits and a good chat are provided. You could also bring a cake if you feel so inclined.

If you would like more details or to reserve a place for any of the sessions, then please email us at

Sue Robinson – Wendy Gregory – Mike Higgins